
Meurs Process B.V. is a specialised company and offers solutions in the field of dosing-, mixing- and process technology for liquids. We supply products and services for example to the oil- and gasindustry, chemical- and petrochemicalindustries, pharmaceutical-, foodindustry, enviromentaltechnology, and watertreatmentplants. We often work together with engineering companies.

Meurs Process offers a complete product range from supply of components up to complete systems. In their advises to their customers they examine not only the application but also pay attention to the specific customers circumstances, safety, reliability and short or long term costs. Our products are also supplied in accordance with ATEX and API-675 standards.

For dosing and mixing equipment Meurs Process B.V. is the appointed exclusive distributor of Milton Roy Europe and Milton Roy Mixing for the Netherlands. Milton Roy Europe and Milton Roy Mixing are part of Milton Roy, the worldwide leader in the dosing pump market.